The Beggar's Opera 48: Since Laws were made for Ev'ry Degree

By: traditional
For: Large mixed ensemble
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The Beggar's Opera 48: Since Laws were made for Ev'ry Degree




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Year of arrangement
John Gay
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
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MacHeath is in the Condemned Hold, waiting for his execution, and his highwayman friends have come to bid him goodbye and to commiserate. The tune Greensleeves went through may changes since Tudor times, but this has to be one if its darkest!

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The Beggar's Opera: 14. Were I Laid on Greenland's Coast, The Beggar's Opera: Overture, The Beggar's Opera: 8. Oh, Polly, you might have Toy'd and Kiss'd, The Beggar's Opera: 33. No Pow'r On earth, The Beggar's Opera: 32. Cease Your Funning, The Beggar's Opera: 31. I'm Bubbled, I'm Bubbled, The Beggar's Opera: 30. How Happy Could I be with Either, The Beggar's Opera: 29: The Turtle thus, with Plaintive Crying, The Beggar's Opera: 28. Is then his Fate Decree'd. Sir?, The Beggar's Opera: 27. Scene Change Music, The Beggar's Opera: 26. When you Censure the Age, The Beggar's Opera: 25. Thus When a Good Housewife Sees a Rat, The Beggar's Opera: 24. Man may Escape from Rope and Gun, The Beggar's Opera: 23. Scene Change Music, The Beggar's Opera: 22. At the Tree I shall Suffer with Pleasure., The Beggar's Opera: 21. Before the Barn-door Crowing, The Beggar's Opera: 20. Youth's the Season Made for Joys, The Beggar's Opera: 19. If the Heart of a Man is Depressed with Care, The Beggar's Opera: 18. Let us Take the Road, The Beggar's Opera: 17. Fill Every Glass, The Beggar's Opera: 16. Opening of Act 2, The Beggar's Opera: 15. Oh What Pain it is to Part, The Beggar's Opera: 13. My Heart was so Free, The Beggar's Opera: 12. Pretty Polly, Say, The Beggar's Opera: 11. O Ponder Well, The Beggar's Opera: 10. A Fox may Steal your Hens, Sir., The Beggar's Opera: 9. I like a Ship in Storms was Tossed, The Beggar's Opera: 7. Can Love be Controll'd by Advice?, The Beggar's Opera: 6. Our Polly is a Sad Slut, The Beggar's Opera: 5. Virgins are Like the Fair Flow'r in its Lustre, The Beggar's Opera: 4. A Maid is like the Golden Ore, The Beggar's Opera: 3. If Any Wench Venus' Girdle Wear, The Beggar's Opera: 2. 'Tis Woman that Seduces All Mankind and The Beggar's Opera: 1. Through all the employments of life

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