Wesley, S.S., ’The Wilderness’ (SSATB + B solo and organ)

By: Samuel Sebastian Wesley
For: Choir + keyboard
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Wesley, S.S., ’The Wilderness’ (SSATB + B solo and organ)


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Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Isaiah 35.
Difficult (Grades 7+)
12 minutes
Classical music
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Written for the cathedral choir in 1832 while SSW was in post at Hereford. The anthem’s harmonic and structural modernity led to its celebrated dismissal by the long-forgotten R. J.S.Stevens (one of the judges for the Gresham Prize Medal for a new church anthem, for which SSW submitted it in 1833)as ’a clever thing; but not Cathedral Music’. It has long, and justly, been a staple of the choral repertoire, of course. TEXT: based on 2nd (rev) edn, Anthems by SSW, 1853. This edn notably includes a piano part below the organ staves. Where they differ, I have amalgamated them.

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WESLEY, S.S. Praise the Lord, O my Soul (ssatb,SATB + organ ) , ALBERT, Prince Consort: Jubilate in A (SATB choir + organ/piano), ALBERT, Prince Consort: Te Deum (SATB + organ or piano), Wesley, S.S.: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (1st edition, 1853); SATTB and organ, Wesley, S.S., ’Who can express the noble acts of the Lord’,2-part anthem (SA +organ), Wesley, S.S., ’Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord’. 4-pt anthem, Brooks-Davies: Communion anthem: Our Saviour, through this bread and wine (Breton melody) SATB choir + keyboard, Brooks-Davies: Communion anthem: Jesu, we come with rev’rence and love (based on the Eriskay lullaby) SATB choir + keyboard, Brooks-Davies: Communion anthem: Wafer and darkest wine (based on ’Oft in the stilly night’, Irish anon) SATB choir + piano, Wesley, S.S., Ascribe unto the Lord (SSATB choir and organ), Brooks-Davies: Communion anthem: With this bread and with this wine (based on the Eriskayan love song) SATB choir + piano, Brooks-Davies: Ubi caritas/ Where charity and love are (Gregorian) SATB choir + organ. Latin and English., Brooks-Davies: Communion anthem: In the quiet of this moment (Suo Gan arrangement) SATB choir + keyboard, Wesley, S.S.: Wash me throughly (SATB and organ), Brooks-Davies: Despised and Rejected (anthem for Lent) SATB choir + piano, Brooks-Davies: When I am dead, my dearest (Christina Rossetti) for SATB Choir plus piano., Brooks-Davies: Te Deum in C (SATB choir + organ). In English., Brooks-Davies: Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy) in G (SATB + organ), Brooks-Davies: And Is There Care in Heaven? (SATB choir + piano), Brooks-Davies: O Sacrum Convivium (O Holy Meal) SATB + organ (in Latin), Brooks-Davies: Ave Maris Stella (SATB choir + organ), Brooks-Davies: Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer) 2nd setting Soprano sax + SSATB choir + keyboard, Brooks-Davies: Alma Redemptoris Mater (SATB + organ), Brooks-Davies: Tantum ergo Sacramentum (Before the Holy Mystery) SATB choir + piano/organ. In Latin., Brooks-Davies: Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer) 1st setting (SATB choir a cappella or with organ) and Brooks-Davies: O magnum mysterium (SATB choir + organ; in Latin)

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