Wesley, S.S.: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (1st edition, 1853); SATTB and organ

By: Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876)
For: Choir + keyboard
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Wesley, S.S.: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (1st edition, 1853); SATTB and organ


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Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876)
Year of composition
Anon., Bible
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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The first edition of Wesley’s perfect short anthem. Copy-text: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, Anthems, vol. 1 (Addison and Hollier, Novello: London and New York, 1853). All dynamics, tempo markings, etc. as in the original. Text as in the original, except that I have added a comma after ’thee’ in bar 25 (Tenors). Written at Winchester, c.1850; first published in Anthems, 1853; revised 1862. All subsequent editions follow 1862. SSW’s changes mainly affect (and improve) the vocal underlay: e.g., bars 5-6 (1853) have a Bb minim for ’is’ and 2 crotchets for ’stay-ed’. In 1862 the rock-like fixity of ’stayed’ is affirmed by its now occupying the Bb minim plus 2 beats more. Nevertheless, this is the version that cathedrals had available to them for 9 years, and it was doubtless sung many times after the publication of the 1862 revision.

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