David Jimmink
David Jimmink (born 1971) plays recorder, guitar and a number of medieval musical instruments. Jimmink started composing at the age of eight. At that age, he wrote some (very!) simple pieces for piano for his musicteacher, who teached both piano and recorder. Although his music teacher only thought those few pages of notes were funny, from that moment he was fascinated by the compositions of others and their underlying structures. From the age of 16 - 23, he composed a wide variety of quartets an trios for the recorder and a few other pieces. Some of them are made available on sibeliusmusic.com, a lot of them were lost in 1994 due to a huge leak in the roof of the house Jimmink lived in. After that composing was forgotten for several years, but since 2003 Jimmink is active again, although his agenda is full of politics, music school and neigborhood association. Currently he is working on his "voorts" symphony and several pieces for both recorder and piano or solo piano. Jimmink is very critical though and has the tendency to start a lot of projects, to delete about half of them and then to leave a lot of music unfinished because he's always having ideas about how to make the music even better. Nevertheless, he tries to make his music as compact and transparant as possible, since it is his motto to say whatever there is to be said in clear and transparant notes and words.
Jimmink also likes to (re)arrange music. Since he dislikes all music between Beethoven and Schönberg, he arranges mainly Baroque and earlier music.
For feedback, thank-you's or questions, Jimminks email address can be found below.