Early works and ideas

For: Duet of Soprano Recorders
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Early works and ideas


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Year of composition
David Jimmink
Easy (Grades 1-3)
31 minutes
Classical music
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Here it is! All of my remaining early works, dating from 1982 (I was 11 then) untill about 1993. Some of them are finished, some of them not, some of them are ideas or scetches (use them if you like!), but nevertheless, the music gets more complicated as the years go by, although some will always be rubbish… I tried to retype as much as possible as I wrote it down (a lot of upward b's!), therefor, the score is in Dutch.

While studying all those pages of music, I found it remarkable that in those notes I found a lot of the characteristics of my present music: a mixture of baroque patterns and modern experiments. To quote Supertramp: Some things never change.

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