tim new

Mr tim new
18 kilburn road
YO10 4DE
United Kingdom
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE. At a time when many people all over the world are experiencing enforced isolation, and are unable to play with other people, I can offer something that might be useful. Anybody who has purchased one of my pieces for 2,3 or 4 instruments can contact me if they would like free backing tracks for them to play along to. The backings are in the form of MIDI files, which may not sound great, but you may be able to alter the tempo to suit you. Very useful if you’re learning a piece. Email me via score exchange or directly - tim.new@hotmail.co.uk.
I've been teaching saxophone and flute privately in York for the past 30 years, during which I've written a large amount of material which I use in my teaching, some of which is now available here. Any music I make available has been thoroughly tested on my pupils, and met with a good response. I write in a range of styles, and for various different combinations of instruments. The writing for flute and cello arises from the fact that I also play the cello, and accompany pupils in lessons.
As a performer, most of my work is playing jazz, though I also do some classical baroque performing, and over the years I've played in soul and blues bands, big bands, dance bands etc, as well as working in repertory theatre and recording work on national radio.
Over a period of time I intend to add to the music on this site, and extend the range. If there's any kind of original educational music for flute or sax that you're looking for - sax duets trios or quartets, contemporary classical studies for solo flute, jazzy pieces with piano accompaniment etc. let me know, and if I've got anything that fits the bill, I'll upload it for you to look at.
I also have videos on youtube featuring some of the pieces on sale. Check them out by clicking on the link below.
If you buy any of my music - thanks - it really motivates me to write more, if I know that people are out ther using it. Also, do take the time to email me, let me know how you came across my music, and how you've got on with it.
MIDI FILES. If you've bought sheet music from me, then email me, and I can send you, free of charge, midi files for the pieces, which you can use as backings for play-along. If you play them back using the windows media player, you may be able to alter the tempo. The great advantage of midi files is that changing the tempo doesn't alter the sound quality. My pupils find these play-alongs really useful