The Lone Ar-ranger goes Keyboard!

For: Solo instrument (Keyboards)
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The Lone Ar-ranger goes Keyboard!


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Rock and Pop music
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This hopefully final investigation of the long-running saga of The Lone Ar-ranger evolved naturally out of a version made for easy piano. It’s intended to be played on any standard electronic keyboard, such as is required for keyboard exams up to Grade 5. Chords may be either fingered, or single-fingered, depending on the player’s ability. There are a couple of optional bits for those who can manage them, or who are playing on a more sophisticated instrument.
As this will currently play back only as a single piano, and thus sound little, or nothing like it should, I have attached an MP3 file of the piece, played on a keyboard. Whilst the ’2’ is now missing in the title, this keyboard version reflects the later alterations.
And, for those who think this might be yet another duplication, this version has been around on G7 Music for some while now, and I’ve simply decided to relocate it here on SibeliusMusic!
Following a number of requests worldwide, I have now uploaded a special non-playing score, which lists, and identifies all the tune fragments used in The Lone Ar-ranger!
Click here for further information.

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