The Lone Ar-ranger! (Flute, Clarinet & Piano)

For: Trio
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The Lone Ar-ranger! (Flute, Clarinet & Piano)



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
3 minutes
Classical music
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Although The Lone Ar-ranger was the first score I ever uploaded to - the predecessor of Score Exchange, and that was way back at the start of the Millennium, it has always proved one of my most popular pieces.

Over the years, it has spawned many different versions - some fairly conventional in instrumental, others somewhat more challenging. A lot of these different versions have come about from email requests around the world, as has this present version for Flute, Clarinet & Piano - although in this particular case by way of another of my arrangements.

I had written Bramstedter Marsch! a good while back, and is, in fact, probably the only other piece I currently have for Flute, Clarinet and Piano alone. I was contacted by Shirley, in South Australia, who used to live at a town that was fairly close to the village of Bramstedt in North Germany, and had since relocated ’down-under’. She liked the piece, and wondered whether I had anything else for the same combination.

Having already produced a ’bespoke’ arrangement for Flute, Violin and Piano for Sioux Stoeckle, Instructor of English and Theatre Arts at Palo Verde College, Blythe, California, this wasn’t too hard a task.

As ever, it is by no means just a plain transcription of another version, but has now been re-fashioned to suit the combination with clarinet instead of violin.

If there’s any other combination, or instrumental switch you’d like, just email, and I’ll always see if something is viable!

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