Multi-instrumental album - volume 1 (10 lead sheets, each in 4 different tonalities), edition I - 2016 (Romanian language edition)

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Multi-instrumental album - volume 1 (10 lead sheets, each in 4 different tonalities), edition I - 2016 (Romanian language edition)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
30 minutes
Modern classical music
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I am a Romanian amateur composer. This is my first musical album of lead sheets (the 1st edition published in Romanian). I have called this "multi-instrumental" because each piece is transposed in 4 different keys (C or Am, F or Dm, G or Em and D or Bm) so that it can be easily played using a large palette of musical instruments (mainly: piano, guitar, ukulele, flute, block-flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone). The lead sheet format allows the freedom to create arrangements in any combination of instruments. This volume also has an Addendum (called "Anexe" [Anexes]) with all the main chords used in this album, each with some rhythmic examples.

The audio sample attached to this album presentation is actually the 6th piece from this album (of lead sheets): "Despre copiii suferinzi" ("About the suffering children" in English), played by synthesized "Stereo bells" (using Native Instruments FM7 soundbank):

Some piano arrangements of these musical miniatures (lead sheets) can be accessed in audio format on my personal web domain: 1. Curcubeu medieval (Medieval rainbow) 2. Mic dans cu aroma irlandeza (A short dance with Irish flavor) 3. Nostalgii baroce (Baroque nostalgies) 4. O fabulă orientală (An oriental fable) 5. Dansul păpușii cu razele dimineții (The dance of the doll with morning sun-rays) 6. Despre copiii suferinzi (About the suffering children) 7. Copilăria în pas ștrengăresc (A childhood in roguish steps) 8. Serenada preclasicilor (A preclassical serenade) 9. Floarea de colț (The Edelweiss) 10. Un 8 martie de vis (A dream March 8th day)

COMPOSER Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi (Dragoi)

INSTRUMENTS Piano Solo, Piano/Vocal/Chords, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Organ, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Woodwind Trio, Woodwind Quartet, Trumpet, Violin, String Duet, String Trio, Piano Trio, String Quartet, Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Guitar, Recorder, Soprano Recorder, String Orchestra

FORMAT Lead Sheet

GENRES Baroque Period, Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European, Children's Music

LEVEL Early Intermediate

to my wife, family, friend, music teachers and pupils
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Toaca și lăutarul (The Vesper Bell and the Fiddler) – miniatură muzicală (musical miniature), variantă pian solo pentru începători în La minor (beginner piano solo variant in A minor) (from Piano album - volume 1), Reverie (Day-dream) (miniature adapted for string quartet) (one pdf with full score plus all parts), Piano album - volume 1 (15 pieces for piano solo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition), Guitar album - volume 1 (35 pieces for guitar solo), edition II - 2012 (Romanian language edition), Guitar album - volume 2 (17 pieces for guitar solo and duo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition), Doina (Lament) (miniature adapted for oboe, two violins, viola, two cellos and bass), Lebăda mea dragă (My dear swan) - instrumental miniature adapted for piano solo, Rai de copil (Child's heaven) - vocal-instrumental miniature for voice, piano, violins and cellos, Raiul Sfintei Treimi (The Heaven of the Holy Trinity) - Christian Orthodox choral miniature in the Byzantine style, Mirela ("Mi-Re-La") - musical miniature dedicated to my dear friend Mironica Constantin ("Mirela"), Suflet de copil trist (Sad Child Soul) (miniature adapted for piano solo), Tristan si Isolda (Tristan and Isolde) – miniatura muzicala (musical miniature), varianta nr. 1 pentru pian solo in La minor (variant no. 1 for piano solo in A minor), Medieval Rainbow (Curcubeu medieval) (arrangement for piano solo no.1), MIC DANS CU AROMĂ IRLANDEZĂ (A Small Dance with Irish flavor), Anonymous - Geamparalele (The Trills) - Romanian vocal folk song from Dobrogea region* - (*a vocal song also played by the Romanian folk singer Elena Roizen) - easy piano arrangement with modifications (including lead sheet), Anonymous - Hai, Dunărea mea! (Oh, my Danube!) (Romanian vocal folk song from Dobrogea region*) (*a vocal song also played by the Romanian folk singer Elena Roizen) - easy piano arrangement with modifications (including lead sheet), J. S. Bach - Minuet in B minor (from the 5th movement of the French Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV 814 for harpsichord solo) (Minimalist arrangement for piano solo nr. 1a (PS1a) with melody, harmony and tempo modifications), Robert Klenck - Minuetto (in G minor) (no. 112), a violin duo from Klenck's Violin method (1892) - Notebook no. 1 - arrangement with modifications for violin duo (including violin 1 lead sheet), Robert Klenck - Minuetto (in G minor) (no. 112), a violin duo from Klenck's Violin method (1892) - Notebook no. 1 - easy piano arrangement with modifications (including lead sheet), MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for harp solo no. 1a (HS1a) in A minor), MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for piano solo no. 1a (PS1a) in A minor), MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for G-clef harp/piano (GCH/GCP) solo in A minor) and CURCUBEU MEDIEVAL (Medieval Rainbow) (musical miniature - variant for G-clef piano/harp (GCP/GCH) solo in C major)

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