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Piano album - volume 1 (15 pieces for piano solo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition)
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Piano album - volume 1 (15 pieces for piano solo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition)
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You are purchasing high quality sheet music PDF files suitable for printing or viewing on digital devices.I am a Romanian amateur composer. This is my first musical album for piano solo (the 1st edition published in Romania, in 2012). This album addresses to (early) intermediate level piano players and contains 15 miniatures for piano solo. The melodies of these pieces also contain the harmonic lines so that to encourage improvisation and added/alternative guitar accompaniments.
The separate lead sheets for 10 of these pieces can also be found on my other album called: “Multi-instrumental musical album - volume 1, edition I (lead sheets) (Album muzical poli-instrumental, volume 1, edition I) (Romanian language edition)”.
The mp3 sample is an audio variant (recorded with a Native Instruments FM7 timbre called "Electric Harp") of the miniature “Mic dans cu aroma irlandeza” (“A short dance with Irish flavor") from this album.
All the miniatures from this album can be accessed in audio format (sampled using Native Instruments FM7 timbres) on my personal web domain: 1. Curcubeu medieval (Medieval rainbow) 2. Mic dans cu aroma irlandeza (A short dance with Irish flavor) 3. Nostalgii baroce (Baroque nostalgies) 4. O fabulă orientală (An oriental fable) 5. Dansul păpușii cu razele dimineții (The dance of the doll with morning sun-rays) 6. Despre copiii suferinzi (About the suffering children) 7. Copilăria în pas ștrengăresc (A childhood in roguish steps) 8. Serenada preclasicilor (A preclassical serenade) 9. Punțile iubirii (The bridges of Love) 10. Floarea de colț (The edelweiss) 11. În leagănul amintirilor (In the cradle of memories) 12. Un 8 martie de vis (A dream March 8th day) 13. Ierburile dulci-amărui ale melancoliei (The bitter-sweet herbs of melancholy) 14. Valurile torcătoare (The spinster-like sea waves) 15. Toaca și lăutarul (The vesper bell and the fiddler)
I have marked more instruments that piano solo because each piece is written so that it can also be played in duets (piano-woodwind/strings duo, guitar-woodwind/strings duo) and trio/quartets (piano-guitar-woodwind/-strings).
COMPOSER Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi (Dragoi)
INSTRUMENTS Piano Solo, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Trumpet, Violin, Guitar, Recorder, Soprano Recorder
FORMAT Individual Part, Lead Sheet, Piano Reduction, Solo Part
GENRES Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European, Recital
LEVEL Intermediate