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Guitar album - volume 1 (35 pieces for guitar solo), edition II - 2012 (Romanian language edition)
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Guitar album - volume 1 (35 pieces for guitar solo), edition II - 2012 (Romanian language edition)
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You are purchasing high quality sheet music PDF files suitable for printing or viewing on digital devices.DESCRIPTION I am an amateur Romanian composer. This is my first published album for guitar solo which contains 35 miniatures, exposed in a relative ascending order of interpretation difficulty level. The audio file attached to this item is the first piece from this album called "Mic preludiu" ("A short prelude") and was generated using Sibelius 7. The 35 solo guitar pieces from this album are listed below: 1. Mic preludiu (A short prelude) 2. Drame (Tragedies) 3. Marțială (Martial) 4. Colindă medievală (Medieval caroll) 5. Tomnatică (Autumnal) 6. Peripeții spaniole (Spanish adventures) 7. Despre îngeri (about angels) 8. Baladă medievală (Medieval ballad) 9. Scherzo (Scherzo) 10. Fantasme chitaristice (Guitar fantasies) 11. Serenada preclasicilor (The serenade of preclasics) 12. Nostalgii baroce (Baroque nostalgies) 13. Bătăliile sufletului (The battles of the soul) 14. Chitară de vară (Summertime guitar) 15. Barocă (Baroque) 16. Primăvăratică (Vernal) 17. O "dușcă" de chitară (A "splash" of guitar) 18. Nocturnă (Nocturne) 19. Dans nostalgic (Nostalgic dance) 20. Balcaniada (Balkan spirit) 21. Vis amărui (A bitterish dream) 22. Baladă de primăvară (Springtime ballad) 23. Ecouri preclasice (Preclassical echoes) 24. În dulcele stil clasic (In the sweet classical style) 25. Ghiocei (Snowdrops) 26. Fagurii iubirii (The honeycombs of love) 27. Oglinda (The mirror) 28. Arome iberice (Iberic perfumes) 29. Respirații (Breaths) 30. Marea (The sea) 31. Reverie (Day-dream) 32. Freamăt (Rustle) 33. Valsând cu ploaia de Paris (Waltzing with the rain of Paris) 34. A small suite - Prelude 25. A small suite - Morning stars
COMPOSER Andrei Lucian Drăgoi
INSTRUMENTS Guitar (solo)
FORMAT Score, Solo Part
GENRES Baroque Period, Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European
LEVEL Intermediate