Guitar album - volume 2 (17 pieces for guitar solo and duo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition)

For: Solo instrument (Classical Guitar [notation])
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Guitar album - volume 2 (17 pieces for guitar solo and duo), edition I - 2012 (Romanian language edition)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
30 minutes
Modern classical music
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I am a Romanian amateur composer. This is the second published album for guitar solo and duo which contains 17 miniatures, exposed in a relative ascending order of interpretation difficulty level (with two major sections dedicated to the guitar solo and guitar duets respectively)

The attached audio sample is actually the first piece from this album, called "Mic mozaic melodic" ("A short melodic mosaic"): this audio sample was generated using a Native Instruments FM7 timbre called "Bells".

Each piece from this guitar album is accessible for listening on my web blog page: 1. Mic mozaic melodic (A short melodic mosaic) (guitar solo) MELODIC-chitara solo.mp3 2. Colind pentru copiii lumii (A carol for the world’s children) (guitar solo) PENTRU COPIII LUMII-chitara solo.mp3 3. Sânge-albastru medieval (Medieval royal blood) (guitar solo) ALBASTRU MEDIEVAL-chitara solo.mp3 4. Liniștea din copii (The silence within the children) (guitar solo) CAVALERESTI-chitara solo.mp3 5. Chitara ca templu (The guitar is a temple) (guitar solo) CA TEMPLU-chitara solo.mp3 6. Sufletul războinicului învins (The soul of the defeated warrior) (guitar solo) RAZBOINICULUI-chitara solo.mp3 7. O scurtă istorie a rock-ului (A short history of rock) (guitar solo) SCURTA ISTORIE A ROCKULUI-chitara solo.mp3 8. Idealuri baroce (Baroque ideals and dreams) (guitar solo) baroce-chitara solo.mp3 9. Blândețea zorilor (The gentleness of dawn) (guitar solo) ZORILOR-chitara solo-pt print-pag 8-9.mp3 10. O scurtă istorie a corzilor ciupite (A short history of the pinched strings) (guitar solo) ISTORIE A CORZILOR CIUPITE-chitara solo.mp3 11. Vânătorul și prada (The hunter and the pray) (guitar solo) SI PRADA-chitara solo.mp3 12. Corida (The bullfight) (guitar solo) solo.mp3 13. Ferestre spre trecut (Windows to the past) (guitar solo) SPRE TRECUT-chitara solo.mp3 14. Suflete nemuritoare (Immortal souls) (guitar solo) NEMURITOARE-chitara solo.mp3 15. Revelații baroce (Baroque revelations) (guitar duo) BAROCE-2 chitare.mp3 16. Eros de adolescent (Teenage eroticism) (guitar duo) DE ADOLESCENT-2 chitare.mp3 17. Despre maeștrii mei preclasici (About my pre-classical masters) (guitar duo) MAESTRII MEI PRECLASICI-2 chitare.mp3

COMPOSER Andrei Lucian Dragoi (Drăgoi)

INSTRUMENTS Guitar solo and duo

FORMAT Individual Part, Score, Set of Parts, Solo Part

GENRES Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European

LEVEL Intermediate

to my family, my wife, my friends and my music pupils
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