MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for G-clef harp/piano (GCH/GCP) solo in A minor)

For: Solo instrument (Harp)
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MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for G-clef harp/piano (GCH/GCP) solo in A minor)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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- miniatură muzicală - variantă pentru harpă/pian solo în cheia sol și La minor -

(musical miniature - variant for G-clef harp/piano (GCH/GCP) solo in A minor)

- dedicată Hannelorei Devaere, harpistă de origine belgiană -

(dedicated to the Belgian origin harpist Hannelorei Devaere)

Muzică (Music)*: dr. Andrei Lucian Drăgoi,

17 octombrie 2009 (October, 17th 2009)

Aranjament pentru harpă/pian solo în cheia sol (arrangement for G-clef harp/piano):

dr. Andrei Lucian Drăgoi, 4 august 2019 (August 4th, 2019) (www.gci.dragoii.com)

  • această piesă a fost compusă cu ocazia Festivalului de Muzică Veche din București, ediția a IV-a, octombrie 2009,

(this piece was composed on the occasion of the Old-Music Festival from Bucharest, the 4th edition, October 2009)

Link web despre acest festival (Web link on this festival):


dedicated to the Belgian origin harpist Hannelorei Devaere
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J. S. Bach - Minuet in B minor (from the 5th movement of the French Suite No. 3 in B minor, BWV 814 for harpsichord solo) (Minimalist arrangement for piano solo nr. 1a (PS1a) with melody, harmony and tempo modifications), Anonymous - Hai, Dunărea mea! (Oh, my Danube!) (Romanian vocal folk song from Dobrogea region*) (*a vocal song also played by the Romanian folk singer Elena Roizen) - easy piano arrangement with modifications (including lead sheet), Anonymous - Stejarul (The Oak) (Romanian folk theme) (*a theme also used by the Romanian composer George Enescu in the opening of his famous "Romanian Rhapsody no.1") - easy piano arrangement with modifications (including lead sheet), MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for piano solo no. 1a (PS1a) in A minor), MINUNATA HARPĂ (BEAUTIFUL HARP) (musical miniature - variant for harp solo no. 1a (HS1a) in A minor), Lebăda mea dragă (My dear swan) - instrumental miniature adapted for piano solo, Mirela ("Mi-Re-La") - musical miniature dedicated to my dear friend Mironica Constantin ("Mirela"), Multi-instrumental album - volume 1 (10 lead sheets, each in 4 different tonalities), edition I - 2016 (Romanian language edition), Suflet de copil trist (Sad Child Soul) (miniature adapted for piano solo), Tristan si Isolda (Tristan and Isolde) – miniatura muzicala (musical miniature), varianta nr. 1 pentru pian solo in La minor (variant no. 1 for piano solo in A minor), Drame (Tragedies) – miniatură muzicală (musical miniature), variantă chitară solo pentru începători în Do minor (beginner guitar solo variant in C minor) (from Guitar album - volume 1), Mic preludiu (A short prelude) – miniatură muzicală (musical miniature), variantă chitară solo pentru începători în Do major (beginner guitar solo variant in C major) (extracted from Guitar album - volume 1), Medieval Rainbow (Curcubeu medieval) (arrangement for piano solo no.1), MIC DANS CU AROMĂ IRLANDEZĂ (A Small Dance with Irish flavor), Toaca și lăutarul (The Vesper Bell and the Fiddler) – miniatură muzicală (musical miniature), variantă pian solo pentru începători în La minor (beginner piano solo variant in A minor) (from Piano album - volume 1), CURCUBEU MEDIEVAL (Medieval Rainbow) (musical miniature - variant for G-clef piano/harp (GCP/GCH) solo in C major), J.S. Bach - Prelude I in C (BWV 846) (from the "Well Tempered Clavier" (BWV 846-893), Book One) - arr. for G-clef piano/harp (GCP/GCH), Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No.5 (Parlow orch. var.) - C-clef viola (CCV) and arr for G-clef viola (GCV), Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No.6 (Parlow orch. var.) - C-clef viola (CCV) and arr for G-clef viola (GCV) and Alessandro Marcello - Adagio (2nd part) from Concerto for Oboe, Strings and Continuo no. 2 in D minor (S D935) - arr for G-clef piano/harp (GCP/GCH) in Dm (score and lead sheet)

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