1: Dream Tunnel

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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1: Dream Tunnel


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
4 minutes
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Dream Tunnel was the first composition I wrote at the age of 10. It is in the Aeolian mode and has no development as such. The piece is dedicated to Hannah Baker, a close school friend in year vii when the piece was written. Hannah also named the piece. It would be ideal for a piano student who is bridging the gap between Grades 1 and 2 and also serves to demonstrate the use of modal scales and ostinato.

I am always interested in how my pieces (particularly educational pieces) are being used. I have therefore decided to offer this piece free, but would ask that you drop me an email to say how you are using it and feel free to include any comments or requests. My email is: guybunce@hotmail.com

�Romantic Miniatures for Piano� is a set of pieces consisting of 10 of my more interesting early compositions and any romantic miniatures that I have written up to the present day. The set is as follows: 1: Dream Tunnel (1990) 2: Nameless (1991) 3: Enigma Part One (1992) 4: Enigma Part Two (1992) 5: Larghetto (1994) 6: Nocturne (1995) 7: Libestraume (1998) 8: In The Name (1998) 9: A Little Nocturne (2001) 10: Une Autre Vie (2003)

I am often called to write such pieces, so a second set is liable to appear in the future.

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