Step by step

Emission of sound with quarter notes and half notes

For: Solo instrument (Trumpet in Bb)
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Step by step


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
Jazz music
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Now that you've learned how to play the notes C, D and E, it's time to learn F, played on the first piston. You will play two beats for each note and continue counting the four beats of silence that follow every two half notes played. In the first sequence, you must play the note C twice, with two beats for each. In the second, two beats for the note C and two for the note D (1-3). In the third, two beats for the note C and two for the note E (1-2). In the fourth, two beats for the note C and two for the note F (1). To change the note, think that you should slightly change the position of your tongue upwards, as if you wanted to close the vowel “a” a little more. Also test changing the amount and speed of air you are moving when vibrating your lips. Above all, don't press the mouthpiece against your lips to change notes. Think of each note as a natural "neighbor" of the C you learned to play in the first lesson. Don't forget to breathe correctly and obey the four-beat pauses.

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