Coconut Groove

Emission of low D with whole notes

For: Solo instrument (Trumpet in Bb)
page one of Coconut Groove

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Coconut Groove


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
Latin music
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This lesson will teach you how to play a note other than C. This time, you will learn to play D 3, located in the first supplementary space below the stave. To play this lesson, as well as the previous one, always breathe through your nostrils on three counts and through your mouth on the fourth beat. Emulate the pronunciation of the consonant “t” with the vowel “a” (tah), to attack the note D. Keep the feeling of the vowel “a” in your throat and tongue, seeking an open and generous sound. Make each note last four beats and obey the pause that follows, in four beats of silence. Instead of remaining inactive and distracted during breaks, always be alert! Count each beat, paying attention to the accompaniment and the recorded example. Again, play along with the reference, rather than repeating it.

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