Schenkt Man sich Rosen in Tirol from Der Vogelhändler

By: Carl Zeller/arr. Carlton King
For: Brass band
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Schenkt Man sich Rosen in Tirol from Der Vogelhändler




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Carl Zeller/arr. Carlton King
Year of composition
Carlton King
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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Original one step higher. From operetta "Der Vogelhandler" ("The Bird Seller"). "When one gives roses in Tirol", it means you are more than just casual friends. This is classic operetta: confusion of identities, traditions that must be followed, a tenor (euphonium) solo answered by the soprano (cornet) then a chorus that just happens to turn up for the third verse. This is the end section of my Highlights from "Der Vogelhandler", which is also available on Score Exchange.

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