Nina Shoroplova

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Influenced by my musical homeland of Wales, I have always enjoyed singing. Melodies - jaunty, playful and original - have been playing themselves out in my head since I first started walking to elementary school. From time to time, I wrote out some of these melodies: when I lived in Walcha, New South Wales, Australia, I was captivated by the different birdsongs and unique animals and put them into songs for my children; when I lived in Victoria, British Columbia (BC) and was completing my Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto as a vocal performer; and when I taught a vocal music camp in Vernon, BC, and needed some materials for the campers. But much of the time, I have ignored my own melodies and concentrated on music written by others.

Sibelius makes it so much fun that I'm hearing my own music again. I've now arranged pieces for the chorus at work; I've dusted off some of the pieces I created before; and I'm listening to the new melodies in my head and capturing them before they disappear into the ether.

When I'm not writing or singing music, I'm writing books and editing the books of others.

Do e-mail me if you have questions or comments, and let me know if you plan to play my music somewhere. I'll be thrilled.

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