We Are Children Again

For: Voice + keyboard
page one of We Are Children Again

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We Are Children Again


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Year of composition
Winnifred Brickley Mason
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
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Looking through the eyes of a child, we see the age-old story of the Savior's birth and are reminded in this lovely, festive piece of what Christmas truly represents: "Let us open our hearts to the lost and the cold, Let us welcome the weary, The lonely and old. Let us live with a love that is pure and unfeigned, Let us open our hearts and be children again!" Arranged for children's and adult choirs with accompaniment, it is part of the Christmas musical: "Lost On the Way to Bethlehem". For full score/script/price contact: music4u@coretechii.com OR Website store: http://stores.sibeliusmusic.com/music4u

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