Vivaldi - Gloria - 1. in excelsis Deo - Allegro グローリア (ヴィヴァルディ) גלוריה (ויוואלדי) PDF - lead sheet Melody + chords

in excelsis Deo Allegro

By: Antonio Vivaldi 1678-1741
For: Leadsheets
page one of Vivaldi - Gloria - 1. in excelsis Deo - Allegro グローリア (ヴィヴァルディ) גלוריה (ויוואלדי) PDF - lead sheet Melody + chords

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Vivaldi - Gloria - 1. in excelsis Deo - Allegro グローリア (ヴィヴァルディ) גלוריה (ויוואלדי) PDF - lead sheet Melody + chords


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Antonio Vivaldi 1678-1741
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Ordinary of the Mass 4th Century
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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Enjoy Gloria with chords. I didn't write the lyrics and the melody from bar 62 Original size Classical music melody with chords. Accompaniment can be played by many different instruments and can be different each time! Enjoy ^.^

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Reviews of Vivaldi - Gloria - 1. in excelsis Deo - Allegro グローリア (ヴィヴァルディ) גלוריה (ויוואלדי) PDF - lead sheet Melody + chords

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