Dall'Abaco - Capriccio per Violoncello Solo, Nº 1, in do minore - Capricci - Caprice pour violoncelle - PDF lead sheet Melody + chords

By: Joseph Marie Ferdinand Dall' Abaco 1710-1805
For: Leadsheets
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Dall'Abaco - Capriccio per Violoncello Solo, Nº 1, in do minore - Capricci - Caprice pour violoncelle - PDF lead sheet Melody + chords


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Joseph Marie Ferdinand Dall' Abaco 1710-1805
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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Original size Classical music melody with chords. Accompaniment can be played by many different instruments and can be different each time! Enjoy ^.^

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