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Spice up your program with this haunting song followed by the lively Czardas (sold separately).
Very little is known about József Kossovits's life. He was a cellist and court musician for various wealthy families in Hungary during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. His music is heavily influenced by the music of the Romani people.
This Szerenád is undoubtedly his best known work. We hear it most often performed as a passionate violin solo with piano accompaniment. So successful was this melody that Kossovits also scored it for cello quartet (Lassú magyar) and even as a song set to a poem by Mihály Csokonai Vitéz (Lavotta első szerelme). It is not clear which version came first but they all date from around 1803.
If paired with Czardas, the two pieces should be played without a break and your program will certainly bring audiences to their feet.
Note: Although the Bb clarinet part is in an easier key, you may wish to use the A clarinet when playing this piece with Czardas.
Score: 8 pages Parts: 6 pages (including A and Bb clarinet)
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