Ție-ți închin acest cânt! (Închinăciune) (To You I Raise This Song!) (Worship) (original contemporary Christian song with lyrics)

- miniatură muzicală vocal-instrumentală pe temă creștină (vocal-instrumental musical miniature on Christian theme)-

For: Voice + keyboard
page one of Ție-ți închin acest cânt! (Închinăciune) (To You I Raise This Song!) (Worship) (original contemporary Christian song with lyrics)

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Ție-ți închin acest cânt! (Închinăciune) (To You I Raise This Song!) (Worship) (original contemporary Christian song with lyrics)


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Year of composition
Dragoi Andrei-Lucian
Easy (Grades 1-3)
3 minutes
License details
For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

- miniatură muzicală vocal-instrumentală pe temă creștină (vocal-instrumental musical miniature on Christian theme)-

- variantă pentru voce (alto și/sau bariton) și/sau vioară și chitară duo nr. 1a (VCD1a) în la minor -

(variant for voice (alto and/or bariton) and/or violin and guitar duo no. 1a A minor)

- dedicată Divinității (dedicated to Divinity) -

COMPOSER Andrei-Lucian Dragoi INSTRUMENTS Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Harpsichord, Flute, Violin, Viola, Voice, Soprano Voice, Tenor Voice, Baritone Voice, Guitar, Choir, Unison FORMAT Individual Part, Lead Sheet, Piano Reduction, Set of Parts, Solo Part GENRES Contemporary Classical, Contemporary Christian, Praise & Worship, General Worship, Repertoire LEVEL Easy/Beginner

- dedicată Divinității (dedicated to Divinity) -
To purchase this score, please add it to your cart above. To purchase music not currently available on Score Exchange or for extended license requests, please contact the publisher directly.

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