Doina (Lament) (miniature - variant for string quartet: StringQuartetVar2a)

- miniatură - variantă pentru cvartet de coarde (CvartetCoardeVar2a) - (miniature -variant for string quartet (StringQuartetVar2a))

For: String quartet
page one of Doina (Lament) (miniature - variant for string quartet: StringQuartetVar2a)

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Doina (Lament) (miniature - variant for string quartet: StringQuartetVar2a)


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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- miniatură - variantă pentru cvartet de coarde (CvartetCoardeVar2a) - (miniature -variant for string quartet (StringQuartetVar2a))

Doina (Lament) (a variant for string quartet [StringQuartetVar2a]: two violins, viola and cello) was inspired by a poetry written by the Romanian poet Grigore Vieru called "Doină".

This piece also has a vocal variant (based on the lyrics of the previously mentioned poetry in Romanian):

This work also has a choral variant which isn't available online.

For other compositions in audio format see my website:

COMPOSER Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi ARRANGERS Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi INSTRUMENTS Violin, Viola, Cello, String Quartet, String Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra FORMAT Individual Part, Lead Sheet, Score, Set of Parts GENRES Contemporary Classical LEVEL Intermediate

To the great Romanian poet from Basarabia, Grigore Vieru
To purchase this score, please add it to your cart above. To purchase music not currently available on Score Exchange or for extended license requests, please contact the publisher directly.
VALS CU 3 CULORI SI 5 PETALE (Waltz with 3 colors and 5 petals) (instrumental miniature with 3 nuclei and 5 parts - variant for string quartet no. 1a [StringQuartetVar1a] in E minor), Reverie (Day-dream) (miniature adapted for string quartet) (one pdf with full score plus all parts), Via Crucis (miniature on religious theme adapted for oboe, two violins, viola, cello and double bass), Doina (Lament) (miniature adapted for oboe, two violins, viola, two cellos and bass), Rai de copil (Child's heaven) - vocal-instrumental miniature for voice, piano, violins and cellos, Raiul Sfintei Treimi (The Heaven of the Holy Trinity) - Christian Orthodox choral miniature in the Byzantine style, Mirela ("Mi-Re-La") - musical miniature dedicated to my dear friend Mironica Constantin ("Mirela"), Tu, Doamna noastră, Sfântă Marie! (You, our Lady, Saint Mary!) - a religious song (prayer) based on Minuetto (in G minor) (no. 112), a violin duo from Klenck's Violin method (1892) - Notebook no. 1 - arrangement with modifications for voice and violin/gu, Suflet de copil trist (Sad Child Soul) (miniature adapted for piano solo), Toaca și lăutarul (The Vesper Bell and the Fiddler) – miniatură muzicală (musical miniature), variantă pian solo pentru începători în La minor (beginner piano solo variant in A minor) (from Piano album - volume 1), Robert Klenck - Minuetto (in G minor) (no. 112), a violin duo from Klenck's Violin method (1892) - Notebook no. 1 - arrangement with modifications for violin duo (including violin 1 lead sheet), Ție-ți închin acest cânt! (Închinăciune) (To You I Raise This Song!) (Worship) (original contemporary Christian song with lyrics) and ANGELIC ŞI DEMONIC (Angelic and demonic) - musical fantasy in two parts for instrumental trio (flute-piano-cello variant)

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