The Mists of Avalon

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
page one of The Mists of Avalon

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The Mists of Avalon


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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Another written for the series of seminars given by Rolf Hind to a group from the Forum Composers of London.

All of the group composed pieces for Rolf to play and critique. I could safely say, all of our minds were improved by the experiance.

A note about the MP3:

Perfomed *live* on my piano by the front door and gives you a good idea of the piece's sound world.

Note: This piece works on an upright piano. On a grand, it can be a bit tricky leaning over, however I se no reason why two players can't perfom this piece.

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