Suite from The Emperor’s New Clothes (No. 5)

For: Orchestra
page one of Suite from The Emperor’s New Clothes (No. 5)

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Suite from The Emperor’s New Clothes (No. 5)



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Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
Classical music
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These dances come from a full length ballet ’The Emperor’s New Clothes’ written in 1979 for the Oakville School of Dance, Ontario, Canada. The score was written for amateur players. After the four Cloth Merchants have shown the Emperor their material samples and he has decided that none of them were good enough for him - the Swindlers show him their sample of the ’cloth that only the wise will see’ but which, in fact, no one could see because there wasn’t any! He accepts it - he doesn’t want everyone to think he is a fool - and gives them a promise of a large amount of money on the completion of a suit splendid enough for an Emperor. The Swindlers then celebrate their success in this dance that makes fun of the other cloth merchants and indeed the Emperor himself! There are 22 pages to this score.

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