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Rossini's aria from La Cenerentola "Non più mesta" has been a popular theme since it was first composed and is one of his most recognized tunes. Many paraphrases and variations were written on it in the 19th century for various instruments including one for violin and orchestra by Paganini. One set of variations for flute and piano is attributed to a young Chopin, who is said to have composed it for his father. For this arrangement, the variations have been expanded with an introduction and coda from the opera. A newly written orchestral accompaniment in the style of Chopin and Rossini was made along with interludes between the variations to allow the soloist to rest. The result is a new 10 minute showpiece for flute and orchestra in the same vein as Chopin's Variations on "La ci da rem la mano" and Rossini's variations for clarinet and orchestra. The flute part from the variations has not been altered so it is hoped that this new compilation will be a welcome addition to the solo flute repertoire.
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01 Flauto I, 02 Flauto II (ad lib.), 03 Oboe I, 04 Oboe II, 05 Clarinetto I, 06 Clarinetto II, 07 Fagotto I, 08 Fagotto II, 09 Corno I, 10 Corno II, 11 Tromba I, 12 Tromba II, 13 Trombone (ad lib.), 15 Violini I, 16 Violini II, 17 Viole and 18-19 Violoncelli e Contrabassi
01 Flauto I, 02 Flauto II (ad lib.), 03 Oboe I, 04 Oboe II, 05 Clarinetto I, 06 Clarinetto II, 07 Fagotto I, 08 Fagotto II, 09 Corno I, 10 Corno II, 11 Tromba I, 12 Tromba II, 13 Trombone (ad lib.), 15 Violini I, 16 Violini II, 17 Viole and 18-19 Violoncelli e Contrabassi
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