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This newly composed concert ending to Mozart's Idomeneo overture by conductor & arranger Yoon Jae Lee allows for a more conventional forte ending that is akin to other overtures by Mozart. Although the overture ends on the tonic (D Major), it ends softly because it leads directly into the opera. Unlike Carl Reinecke's crude and unseemly version, this concert ending is based on themes and motifs that occur in the overture itself and stays true to the character of Mozart's classical compositional style. It is a welcome addition to the concert overture oeuvre.
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01 Flauto I, 02 Flauto II, 03 Oboe I, 04 Oboe II, 05 Clarinetto I, 06 Clarinetto II, 07 Fagotto I, 08 Fagotto II, 09 Corno I, 10 Corno II, 11 Tromba I, 12 Tromba II, 13 Timpani, 14 Violini I, 15 Violini II, 16 Viola and 17-18 Violoncello and Contrabasso
01 Flauto I, 02 Flauto II, 03 Oboe I, 04 Oboe II, 05 Clarinetto I, 06 Clarinetto II, 07 Fagotto I, 08 Fagotto II, 09 Corno I, 10 Corno II, 11 Tromba I, 12 Tromba II, 13 Timpani, 14 Violini I, 15 Violini II, 16 Viola and 17-18 Violoncello and Contrabasso
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