Opus 6 No 7 Quietly watching the setting sun

For: Large mixed ensemble
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Opus 6 No 7 Quietly watching the setting sun


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Year of composition
Trevor Kirby-Smith
Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
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Play mp3 for correct rendition, listening through high quality headphones. Playing the score for some reason (midi) produces a excessive saxophone volume. A dreamy piece illustrating thoughts one might imagine while peacefully resting, perhaps on a cliff-top, looking out to sea watching the setting sun, and contemplating, for example, �the meaning of life�, or God, and the enormity of the universe in which our world is a mere speck.; which probably makes us �specklets�, a new word for the dictionary perhaps? The singer should follow the tenor saxophone tune, but is free to harmonize where necessary if voice range limitation is an issue. I imagine a voice colour and singing style such as that of Ella Fitzgerald. The tune came first and the words almost wrote themselves as I played through it. There are a few slight pauses (pause for thought perhaps), so don�t think the timing has slipped.

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