Ms S Blows The Whistle

For: Solo instrument (Soprano Recorder)
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Ms S Blows The Whistle


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
6 minutes
Modern classical music
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Original German title: Frau S pfeift uns was Sort of experimental recorder demonstration, made for and with assistance of Sabine Federspieler. Objective was challenging audience in a small country-side, 'conventional' music focussed village in Austria. Performed in February 2003, we received very positive feedback from audience and local papers. I will try to find the recording and convert it to mp3 asap, it is very refreshing to hear audience laughing during the piece, they have been very relaxed and surprisingly open for 'new' tones or at least what they would have considered as new tones. Key learning point for us has been: never give up and never be prejudiced. Enjoy!

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