
For: Solo instrument (Piano)
page one of Minitures

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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
3 minutes
Modern classical music
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I am an active member of the London Composers Forum. As part of the service they provide to composers, they arrange seminars with experts in their respective fields. One such series of seminars was with Rold Hind, a world class piano virtuoso, to give a series of seminars on new ways of writing for the piano.

As our "homework" Rolf issued a challenge to write something with no tunes or arpeggios. This piece is how I interpreted the result of that challange.

This work has been written in a different way from that which I normally write. No. 1 (Distant Visions) was composesed at the piano using manuscript paper, the others were played in via a midi piano and subsiquently tidied to make a presentable score. This makes these works effectivly improvisations, although, I did have a rough idea what I wanted to write before I started to play.

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