Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy's Sake [FARRANT] Lent anthem for SAB voices arr. by Pamela Webb Tubbs

By: 16th C., attrib. to Farrant (Hilton?)
For: Choir + keyboard
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Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy's Sake [FARRANT] Lent anthem for SAB voices arr. by Pamela Webb Tubbs




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16th C., attrib. to Farrant (Hilton?)
Year of arrangement
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
2 minutes
Classical music
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Here is an arrangement of "Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake" in G major for SAB mixed voices with Organ accompaniment (an anthem for Lent). Differing sources describe the composer of this anthem as "John Hilton" and "Farrant". Originally set for SATB in A-flat, this piece is perfect as a a cappella anthem. However, given the limitations of my small choir, I rearranged it for SAB voices with an organ accompaniment. Regarding the composer: although this piece is often attributed to Richard Farrant, it now is thought to be by the elder John Hilton. Few of Farrant's compositions survive: the best known are the anthems "Call to Remembrance" and "Hide Not Thou Thy Face." (SOURCE: Wikipedia)

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