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This arrangement of one of the world's most famous hymns was in my head for many years. When I finally sat down to write it, I did some research on the hymn and realized that the version found in many contemporary hymnals has been significantly modified from the original published edition in terms of lyrics, verse structure, melody, key, and time signature, generally for the worse in my humble opinion. So I decided to restore the original lyrics verbatim and, while retaining the contemporary convention of 4/4 time replacing the original 6/4, to rework the melody so it at least echoes the original. Also, instead of starting in E and modulating to F as was my initial intention, I decided to have the first two verses in F and modulate to G (the original key) for the third and final verse with lively piano accompaniment. The result is, overall, faithful to the initial inspiration. Please let me know what you think and enjoy the music!
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