God, Bless Our Enemies - Hymn of Prayer (THE GRENADIER AND THE LADY) SATB

By: Traditional English Folksong
For: Choir
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Traditional English Folksong
Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Mary Rose Jensen
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
World music and Folk music
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Jesus said we’re supposed to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. I was puzzled as to what He would have us pray. But somehow this hymn ended up being 5 verses long. Lyrics are pastor approved. Scripture references are included on the lead sheet and lyric sheet - available here under parts. An alternative version of this text, "God Bless Those Who Persecute Us," is also available here on Score Exchange. Another possible change would be to replace "our enemies" with "those who don't know you."

This tune is a beautiful English folk song. It is so old that is has several names and many versions of lyrics associated with it (some a bit naughty). I also used this tune for an Epiphany hymn, "When Wise Men From Eastern Lands," which is also on Score Exchange.

I give permission for anyone to print, forward, photocopy, distribute, reprint and use words and/or music at no cost. I do appreciate my name and contact information staying on any copies, etc. CCLI reports appreciated. If you need any different arrangement, alternative text, etc. please feel free to e-mail me.


Words by Mary Rose Jensen

God, bless our enemies; send them Your word Where truth of the Gospel has rarely been heard. Give them revelation of Jesus the Christ That they might believe and inherit new life.

God, bless our enemies; though they’ve done wrong, Forgive their transgressions and give them Your song. Teach us to be merciful as You have been, Forgiving as You have forgiven our sin.

God, bless our enemies; free them from lies. Give ears that will hear You and open their eyes. Then bring them the joy that comes only from You And peace for their souls when they learn what is true.

God, bless our enemies, take hearts of stone And turn them to flesh and then make them Your own. Give love for their neighbors and love for their Lord, And grant them the wisdom to put down the sword.

God, bless our enemies; give hope that comes From being God’s people, Your daughters and sons. By Your resurrection and what You have said, Assure them, O Christ, that they’ll rise from the dead.

References: Verse 1: Matthew 5:43, 44; Luke 6:27-28; Romans 12:14; Amos 8:11; Matthew 16:15-17; Titus 3:7 Verse 2: Luke 23:34; Revelation 5:9; Matthew 6:12 Verse 3: John 8:44; Matthew 13:15-17;Luke 2:10- 14; Romans 5:1,10,11; Ephesians 2:14 Verse 4: Ezekiel 36:26; Matthew 22:37-39; Ecclesiastes 9:18; Isaiah 2:4 Verse 5: John 1:12; Luke 24:6-8; 1 Peter 1:3

Tune: THE GRENADIER AND THE LADY Traditional English folk song, Alt. & arr. MRJ Words © 2014 Garden Rose Music P.O. Box 16040 Sugar Land, TX 77496 800 746-4476 CCLI # 7029334 http://www.scoreexchange.com/profiles/maryrosejensen

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