Excessum Deus

For: Large mixed ensemble
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Excessum Deus


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
7 minutes
Modern classical music
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Excessum Deus is a piece for Choir, Strings and Harp questioning the existence of God. The lyric is in the process of being translated into Latin. For now, enjoy the music. Synopsis: A people witnessing the turmoil in the world, questioning and confused, as to why God does not bring an end to the madness. Finally, in the end, they come to realize it is not divine intervention that will bring about change, but their own actions and listening to the words of the great minds from the past, Confucius, Buddha, and Jesus who spoke of peace and compassion, rather than adhering to the meaningless rituals associated with religion that only separate us. In the end they come to discover the real answer is simple decency. Please listen to the mp3 for better sound quality. Parts are available upon request. Comments are welcome. I hope you enjoy it.

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