Christmas Shopping Blues

For: Choir
page one of Christmas Shopping Blues

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Christmas Shopping Blues


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Year of composition
Linda Fox
Easy (Grades 1-3)
7 minutes
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For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

This is a piece for young singers and actors and it’s very funny. Ever hated shopping with kids at Christmas? Feels like the worst thing in the world sometimes. This is to help us realise there are people far worse off than ourselves. So if it makes you think as well as laugh, all to the good, and hopefully it will spur listeners to decide to make a small donation to the charity of their choice at Christmas. To best effect it needs two groups of singers - one for the main verse and one for the "angelic voices" and one group of four actors, though each verse could be acted by a different "family". The spoken acting is extremely important; the details can be updated as they soon get out-of-date! Have fun.

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