Visceral reactions

For: Large mixed ensemble
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Visceral reactions


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
7 minutes
Modern classical music
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Composed for chamber ensemble and to somewhat demonstrate the marimba as a melodic instrument, the piece is primarily of a percussive nature although vertical and horizontal development isn't lacking; with its abundance of syncopated figures and antiphonal writing it relies heavily on performer-interaction.

Dynamics were omitted since the principal aim was to create a work which, whilst still remaining cohesive, would sound as various extemporizations undertaken by the various sections of the ensemble. These reactions would remain spontaneous (although still notated and hence pre-determined) reflecting some kind of childish 'na�vet�' and acuity, an aspect considered of instrinsic value as the basis for the work.

Please note that it is 'Visceral reactions', not 'Visceral infections', as it was wittily suggested by a punter.

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