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This song is heart-rendingly beautiful, and although the meaning of the words has been lost, Varado is a lament.
The story behind it goes that two brothers go walking on a mountain, and one of the brothers gets stuck; he is petrified, and cannot move. His brother, thinking to give him the strength to overcome his fear, tells him that he has been sleeping with his wife, and that the children are his. This enrages the brother who was stuck so much that he manages to climb down, and then kills his brother. He then goes to his mother, to explain why he committed fratricide. The mother is heartbroken, and says to her son "Didn't you realise that the only reason why he was telling you this was to give you the strength to overcome your fear?" The murdering brother then realises the gravity of what he has done, and takes his own life.
Now you will have some idea of the emotions that go into the song, and this will help you to sing it with feeling.
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