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Three Viennese Horn Quartets - No. 3 St. Hubert's Fanfare
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Three Viennese Horn Quartets - No. 3 St. Hubert's Fanfare
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You are purchasing high quality sheet music PDF files suitable for printing or viewing on digital devices.Here is the 3rd and final piece in the collection of Viennese 'Forest Horn' pieces arranged for quartet from the St. Hubert Mass. This is a 'Chasse' or gallop through the forest in pursuit of fox, boar, stag, or whatever could be gainfully chased on horseback. In German and Austrian forests they do it with bigger horns and louder hornists!
With typical cantering rhythms, this kind of horn music is common in lots of Romantic orchestral music for many composers of the 19th century. As a horn player of several decades myself, I'd love to play these gems in a real forest - with beer and lunch to follow!