The Word, In the Beginning (BRETON CAROL) SATB hymn from John 1 - Advent, Trinity

By: Traditional
For: Choir
page one of The Word, In the Beginning (BRETON CAROL) SATB hymn from John 1 - Advent, Trinity

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Year of composition
Year of arrangement
Mary Rose Jensen
Easy (Grades 1-3)
1 minute
World music and Folk music
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This Celtic tune is a traditional Christmas carol from Brittany. The original lyrics are in Breton, and I could find no English translation that fits the music. The tune has been recorded by The Chieftains (with Breton lyrics) and Loreena McKennitt (instrumental only).

The words are new, and are a paraphrase of parts of the first chapter of the Gospel of John.

This hymn is featured in Global Christian Worship:

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