The Prism

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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The Prism


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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The Prism is a synaesthetic journey for piano: from white light to red, through the colours of the rainbow to violet, and fading back to white. It is based on one form of musical synaesthesia (similar to that experienced by Scriabin) where the colours of the rainbow proceed in fifths, with C=red, G=orange, D=yellow, A=green, E=blue, and B=violet. It is possible to combine these colours in various proportions to produce white light, and to shade gradually between the colours of the rainbow. For some colours there are several combinations, for others, there is just one. The intensity of a colour is represented both by the loudness of a note, and by its register � high notes represent brighter colours than low notes (as has been described by synaesthetes).

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