The Musick of Castle Hill

For: Concert band / wind band
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The Musick of Castle Hill


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
8 minutes
Modern classical music
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A Test Piece I wrote for a lower section band.

'The Music of Castle Hill' is a musical rendition of the history of Castle Hill in Huddersfield

The Piece has 5 sections each of them using and manipulating the key motif to the piece; the theme which starts the whole piece in the basses and euphoniums.

The Beginning of 'the Musick of Castle Hill' depicts the hill, looming over Huddersfield in West Yorkshire (beginning to figure 'B'). This meanders around the motif before leading into the second section (figure 'B' to figure 'F'). The second section is the bustling reniassance market town which Castle Hill was from more or less it's 'birth'. The Music continues to build becoming more and more frenetic before suddenly everything appears to evaporate leaving 3 cornets and a baritone to quietly bring in the next section. The third section (figure 'F' to figure 'I') is the desertion of Castle Hill, which no historians have been able to put an accurate date on. During this period, The town was abandoned and left to deteriorate until the reign of the Victorians. The fourth section (figure 'I' to figure 'P') depicts the Victorians arriving at Castle Hill, though the Castle had disappeared long before, and erecting a monument to Queen Victoria. The Music builds through the Fugato section becoming rapturous at the end. The final section, or epilogue (figure 'P' to the end), is the view from the Hill at night. The Glockenspiel tinkles like the vast sea of lights visible as you look down over Huddersfield.

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