The Millener’s Chase

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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The Millener’s Chase


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
2 minutes
Modern classical music
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What can I say; this piece is impossible to play.

I was intrigued by another composer's idea that there is no point in putting emotion into a midi file because a computer can never play it back with emotion plus he made a point of making everything he writes impossible, even when he wants it played.

So I wrote this with the following rules in mind.

It must be impossible to play but, at the same time, be tonal and, at first glance, look playable There should only one dynamic - ff in this case The tempo should be rock steady, no rubato, accels or rits.

For those that know my work, this is a "bee in my bonnet" piece.

It was interesting exercise writing it as the absence of any of the typical emotion markings actually gave the piece its structure so much so that to put variations in tempo or dynamics would have resulted in a totally different work.

Note: There is actually some feel to the piece as some emotion is supplied by the "Espressivo" in the Sibelius Performance settings. I tried it with this turned off and it sounded dreadful; a tribute to the Sibelius Programmers indeed.

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