The Midget Forest Suite: The Story of the Lost Midget

For: Solo Solo Violoncello + piano
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The Midget Forest Suite: The Story of the Lost Midget


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
4 minutes
Modern classical music
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For anything not permitted by the above licence then you should contact the publisher first to obtain permission.

This tale of a (non-human)midget, goes as follows:

The beggining of the piece shows the majesticness of the Midget forest, and then the Midget appears. She eccstatic with happiness and is skipping around the forest playfully… All of a sudden, however, the litte midget stumbles upon a dark drak part of the forest she has never visited before. she begins to try and find her way back, but she can't and the little midget starts a frenzy trying to get out. the forest wins however, and the midget begins to give up. Just as she is about to lose all hope, pink elephants (who help the best midgets when they are in times of need) find her, and begin to help the little midget get her hope back. Then the enchanted pink elephants help the midget find her way back home.

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