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An arrangement of the traditional Christmas Carol "The Lord at first did Adam make" for three-part (SABar) choir and organ by Philip Le Bas. This ancient carol tells the story of the fall of Adam, causing humanity to be "wrapt in sin". Yet out of God's goodness we are redeemed by the birth of Christ. The listeners are exhorted to "begin an holy life to live, and to rejoice and merry be, for this is Christmas Eve."
The version presented here is intended for parish choirs lacking in tenor and bass singers, but with a good organ! It starts in a slightly dark, primeval way with open fifths in the organ part, developing into a minor key throughout the verses, but with a decidedly more positive feel in G major in each of the refrains. The accompaniment expresses the drama expressed in the lyrics without the choral parts becoming too involved, and the whole piece (4 1/2 minutes) ends on a celebratory Tierce de Picardy: "for this is Christmas Eve!"
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