Temptation of Doubt - Level 3

Piano Solo

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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Temptation of Doubt - Level 3


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Difficult (Grades 7+)
5 minutes
Classical music and Modern classical music
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This piece is split into 3 distinct small sections, with the first and last playing variations of the same theme, and the middle section is a more exciting, up-lifting style. The music was written to impart the feeling of doubting one self, giving in and holding back from doing something for the first time. Eventually courage is found and the challenge is confronted, ending with a confident feeling and respect for the accomplished task.

Suggested finger has been added in places that may be helpful. This piece has been arranged at 3 different levels

Level1 - Grade 2/3 Level2 - Grade 4/5 Level3 - Grade 6/7

The first composition of Temptation of doubt was at Level2, then Level 1 & 2 arrangements were created to make the music more accessible.

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