"Summer night scenery" for String Quartet(여름밤 풍경, 현악4중주)

현악4중주를 위한 "여름밤 풍경"

For: String quartet
page one of "Summer night scenery"  for String Quartet(여름밤 풍경, 현악4중주)

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"Summer night scenery" for String Quartet(여름밤 풍경, 현악4중주)



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
7 minutes
Modern classical music
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This piece is a description of summer night for String Quartet which was beautiful but sorrow because of the disaster in 2011. It was composed for and premieded at EACA, East Asian Composer’s Association Contemporary Music Festiva,l 2012. Here is the video of the premier by DCMF Ensemble for a reference: http://youtu.be/xMy_Qqs4lFE

아름다웠지만 재해로 인해 파란과 슬픔이 깃든 2011년 여름밤의 풍경을 현악4중주로 묘사하였다. 2012년 작곡되었으며 동아시아 현대음악제 2012에서 초연되었다. 초연 동영상 참고: http://youtu.be/xMy_Qqs4lFE

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