Summer Comes Into Your Heart

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Summer Comes Into Your Heart


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Rock and Pop music
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One of my summer songs, I thought I'd poem I wrote just today but I just can't find it.
It went something like this:

"Summer comes into your heart,
Like the flowers that are to be;
If you'll do you growing part,
Some your thoughts will become a tree."

I try to have the instrument names 'General MIDI sound set' and drums follow the 'General MIDI percussion map'

Yours truly, (click on my name) Peter S. Quinn

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Dreamin' a While, Comical Chemical, Nights and Days, Mystery, Lets Talk and Play That Music, All or Nothing at All, Mist, Smile, Vision of Adriana, Tallywood Forest, Whatever There Is, Dreamers of The Cinema, Winter Blooms, The Unknown Paths, Satirical, Can't Be, Visiting a Rose, Small Things, Nocturnal Skies, The Wind is My Friend, Mu Arae, To The Stars Faraway, Prelude, Waltz #312, Transformed Thrills, Darker Days, Bergenia, Something Wisphered Into My Ear, Beautiful Encounters, Waltz #157, Belle Belle, In The Shades, Rainy Days, To All Those Lonely People, At Dusk Just When, Different Happiness, There are Days Like Night Dark, Amsterdam, Falling Leaves, A Little Bolero, When a Dream Comes to You, Dancing Waves of The Sea, Angels In The Snow, Dreamy Time, A Matter of Time, Sad Eyes, All My Dreams, Return to Bright Skies, There is Day in Your Eyes, Advancing to Space, Down on Emotion, Your Mind Drifting, When My Love Comes To See Me, What a Joy to be Young, What A Beautiful Day, Virtual Rock, Unrestrained Dreamer, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Marble Stairs, Strawberries And Blueberries, Poems Are Opening, Orange Road, On Margate Sands, On a Bird Singing in its Sleep, Nickel Silver Spoons, My Sweetest Summer Rose, Multifoliate Rose, Mr Skank Junk, Lily has a Rose, Journey in The Sun, It's Five O'clock, It is so Neat, It is so Sweet, I Love Only You, Groovy Lane, Funicula, Flying, Flowerbands of Amaranths, Enchanted Feelings, Dressed For Summer, Don't Ask Me., Darling of The Moon, Daisy in the Dust, Casablanca, Carried Down Stream, Breeze in June, Blue Dawn Blue Noon, As Young as He is Old, And These Are All For You and All or Nothing

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