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This six-minute composition for unaccompanied trumpet explores serial techniques in a more organic way than is traditionally used in serial music. A very small musical idea (a string of seven pitches) is the underlying "DNA" for the entire piece. The performer portrays two opposing voices, which manifest themselves and interact in different ways in each of the three movements. The trumpeter will enjoy challenging leaps and runs as well as the freedom from traditional tonal patterns and phrasing. This may be played on a trumpet in any key, read ’as-is’ (i.e. without transposing).
Note to the reviewer: The performance notes (available from me) explain all the tremolos: try high A with fingerings 1-2 / 2, and A-flat with 2-3 / 1-2-3. This involves the 7th harmonic, which is indeed "out of tune" when sustained, but makes for a great tremolo. I am a trumpet player myself, and have a successful recorded performance of this piece (by another performer) that is also available. And the structure? It doesn’t always need to be heard on the surface (I couldn’t see your DNA, for instance), but it always needs to be there somewhere. -JM
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