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Sonata for Trumpet and Piano is an abstract work combining modal jazz, impressionism, minimalism, and industrialism. I began with an ostinato and then expanded the central ideas. The first movement represents a distant, but pleasant memory coupled with a desire to relive the experience. There is a great deal of sadness in the fact that the past is forever intangible. Pedaling in the accompaniment prevents blurry harmonic changes, while the solo line avoids strong changes in contour whenever possible. The second movement awakens the dreamer to the harsh realities of the present. Complex, driving rhythms and sudden dynamic changes highlight the frantic pace heralded by automation and computers. The flurry of action is briefly interrupted by another wistful memory of the first movement complete with a cadenza of thoughts. However, the interlude is short lived as the furious tempo returns to show the unrelenting traffic of progress overrunning any who choose not to keep up.
A version containing only the trumpet part is also available.
Composer's note: This score as printed is correct, but due to Sibelius's handling of cross-staff notation, some notes will not playback correctly. The associated midi file, however, is correct.
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